Syndicat WHOIS-Abfrage

Suchbegriff: CAS8358-FRNIC


%% This is the AFNIC Whois server.
%% complete date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
%% Rights restricted by copyright.
%% See

nic-hdl:                       CAS8358-FRNIC
type:                          ORGANIZATION
contact:                       Crédit Agricole S.A.
address:                       Crédit Agricole SA
address:                       12, Place des Etats-Unis
address:                       92120 MONTROUGE
country:                       FR
phone:                         +33.157727272
registrar:                     CA GIP - Crédit Agricole Group Infrastructure Platform
changed:                       2022-12-08T14:15:33.956596Z
anonymous:                     NO
obsoleted:                     NO
eppstatus:                     clientUpdateProhibited
eppstatus:                     clientTransferProhibited
eppstatus:                     clientDeleteProhibited
eppstatus:                     serverUpdateProhibited
eppstatus:                     associated
eligstatus:                    ok
eligsource:                    REGISTRAR
eligdate:                      2022-12-08T14:15:30.150171Z
reachstatus:                   ok
reachmedia:                    email
reachsource:                   REGISTRAR
reachdate:                     2022-12-08T10:30:11.511366Z
source:                        FRNIC

>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2024-05-19T22:25:52.383075Z <<<

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